GEO 730

Topics to be addressed - a syllabus of sorts (PDF)

Course Bibliography

Notes -Powerpoint for First Meeting (PDF)

Contemporary Crustal Strain (geodesy)

(Day 2 Lecture on contemporary crustal strains)
draws from papers listed -- go to Contemporary Seismicity Section for Day 3 lecture

     Global Positioning System - Principles

Garmin, 2001. GPS Beginners guide. A WEB DOCUMENT. (PDF)

Segall, P. and Davis, J.L., 1997. GPS applications for geodynamics and earthquake studies. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 25: 301-336. (PDF)

Useful Website dealing with use of GPS:

And a powerpoint dealing with calculation of crustal strain from GPS measurements:  StrainFromGPS.pptx

      Western United States

Kreemer et al. (2012) A geodetic strain rate model for the Pacific–North American plate boundary, western United States, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 178. (PDF)

McCaffrey, R., R. W. King, S. J. Payne, and M. Lancaster (2013). Active tectonics of northwestern U. S. inferred from GPS-derived surface velocities, JGR, 118 709-723. (PDF)

Zeng, Y. H. (2022). GPS Velocity Field of the Western United States for the 2023 National Seismic Hazard Model Update, Seismological Research Letters, 93 3121-3134. (PDF)

      San Andreas System

Freymueller, J.T., M.H. Murray, P. Segall, and D. Castillo, 1999, Kinematics of the Pacific-North America plate boundary zone, northern California, J. Geophys. Res., 104 (B4), 7419-7441 (PDF)

Savage, J.C., W. Gan, W.H. Prescott, and J.L. Svarc, 2004, Strain accumulation across the Coast Ranges at the latitude of San Francisco, 1994-2000, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B03413, doi:10.1029/2003JB002612 (PDF)

d'Allessio, M.A., Johanson, I.A., and R. Burgmann, D.A. Schmidt, and M.H. Murray, 2005, Slicing up the San Francisco Bay area: Block kinematics and fault slip rates from GPS-derived surface velocities, J. Geophys. Res., 110 (B06403, doi:10.1029/2004JB003496) (PDF).

Argus, D. F. and R. G. Gordon, Present tectonic motion across the Coast Ranges and San Andreas fault system in central California, Geological Society of American Bulletin, 113, 1580-1592. (PDF)

      Eastern California Shear Zone, Walker Lane, and Sierra NV

Dixon, T., Miller, M., Farina, F., Wang, H. and Johnson, D., 2000b. Present-day motion of the Sierra Nevada block and some tectonic implications for the Basin and Range province, North American Cordillera. Tectonics, 19: 1-24. (PDF)

Miller, M., Johnson, D., Dixon, T. and R. K. F, 2001, Refined kinematics of the Eastern California shear zone from GPS observations 1993-1998, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 2245-2263. (PDF)

Oldow, J. S., Aiken, C. L. V., Hare, J. L., Ferguson, J. F., Hardyman, R. F., 2001, Active displacement transfer within the central Walker Lane, western Great Basin, Geology, 29, 19-22. (PDF)

Bos AG and W. Spakman, 2005, Kinematics of the southwestern US deformation zone inferred from GPS data, Journal of Geophysical Research - 110 (B8) (PDF)

Gan W. J., 2000, Srain accumulation across the Eastern California Shear Zone , Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 : 16229 (PDF)

Lifton, Z. M., A. V. Newman, K. L. Frankel, C. W. Johnson, and T. H. Dixon (2013). Insights into distributed plate rates across the Walker Lane from GPS geodesy, Geophysical Research Letters 40 4620-4624 (PDF)

Wesnousky, S. G., J. M. Bormann, C. Kreemer, W. C. Hammond, and J. N. Brune (2012). Neotectonics, geodesy, and seismic hazard in the Northern Walker Lane of Western North America: Thirty kilometers of crustal shear and no strike-slip?, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 329 133-140. (PDF)

  Dixon, T.H., Miller, M., Farina, F., Wang, H.Z., Johnson, D., 2000. Present-day motion of the Sierra Nevada block and some tectonic implications for the Basin and Range province, North American Cordillera. Tectonics 19, 1-24. (PDF)

  Miller, M.M., Johnson, D.J., Dixon, T.H., Dokka, R.K., 2001. Refined kinematics of the Eastern California shear zone from GPS observations, 1993-1998. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 106, 2245-2263. (PDF)

      Basin and Range and Wasatch

Wernicke, B., J. L. Davis, N. A. Niemi, P. Luffi, and S. Bisnath, Active megadetachment beneath the western United States, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B11409, doi:10.1029/2007JB005375, 21 November 2008 (PDF)

Bennett, R.A., Wernicke, B.P. and Davis, J.L., 1998. Continuous GPS measurements of contemporary deformation across the northern Basin and Range province. Geophysical Research Letters, 25: 563-566. (PDF)

Thatcher, W. et al., 1999. Present-day deformation across the Basin and Range province, western United States. SCIENCE, 283: 1999. (PDF)

Martinez, L., Meertens, C. and Smith, R., 1998. Rapid deformation rates along the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, from first GPS measurements with implications for earthquake hazard. Geophysical Research Letters, 25: 567-570. (PDF)

Bennett, R. A., Davis, J. L. and B. P. Wernicke, Present-day pattern of Cordilleran deformation in the western United States, GEOLOGY, 371-374, 1999. (PDF)

Hammond, W. C. and W. Thatcher, 2004, Contemporary tectonic deformation of the Basin and Range province, western United States: 10 years of observations with the Global Positioning System, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B08403, doi:1029/2003JB002746 (PDF) )

Hammond, W. C., and W. Thatcher, 2007, Crustal deformation across the Sierra Nevada, northern Walker Lane, Basin and Range transition, western United States measured with GPS, 2000–2004, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B05411, doi:10.1029/2006JB004625, 12 May 2007 (PDF)

Hammond, W. C., and Thatcher, W., 2005, Northwest Basin and Range tectonic deformation observed with the Global Positioning System, 1999–2003, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 110, B10405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003678, 2005 (PDF)

Bennet R. A., Wernick, B.P., Niemi, N.A. and others, 2003, Contemporary strain rates in the northern Basin and Range province from GPS data, Tectonics, 22, (2) Article no. 1008 Mar 21, 2003 (PDF)

Kreemer, Corne and William C. Hammond, Geodetic constraints on areal changes in the Pacific–North America plate boundary zone: What controls Basin and Range extension?, Geology, October 2007; v. 35; no. 10; p. 943–947; doi: 10.1130/G23868 (PDF)

Day 3 Lecture on contemporary seismicity and crustal structure
Day 4 Lecture on geomorphic expression of active faults and distribution of active faults in western U.S
draws from papers listed
GO TO Glacial and Pluvial History Section for next Day 5 lecture

Contemporary Seismicity

      Basin and Range - Spatial-Depth Distribution

Wesnousky, S.G. (2021), Seismotectonic Snapshots: The 18 March Mw 5.7 Magna, 31 March Mw 6.5 Stanley, and 15 May Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo Intermountain West earthquakes of 2020, Seismological Research Letters, 92 (2A), 755-772 (PDF)

Rogers, A.M., Harmsen, S.C., Corbett, E.J., Priestly, K. and dePolo, D., 1991. The seismicity of Nevada and some adjacent parts of the Great Basin. In: D.B. Slemmons, E.r. Engdahl, M.D. Zoback and D.d. Blackwell (Editors), Neotectonics of North America. Geological Society of America, Decade Map Volume 1., Boulder, pp. 153-184. (PDF)

Smith, R.B. and Arabasz, W.J., 1991. Seismicity of the Intermountain Seismic Belt. In: D.B. Slemmons, E.r. Engdahl, M.D. Zoback and D.d. Blackwell (Editors), Neotectonics of North America. Geological Society of America, Decade Map Volume 1., Boulder, pp. 185-228. (PDF)

      Basin and Range - Large Quakes

Witkind, I.J., Myers, W.B., Hadley, J.B., Hamiton, W. and Fraser, G.D., 1962 Geologic features of the earthquake at Hebgen Lake, Montana, August 17, 1959. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 52: 163-180. (PDF)

Caskey, S. J., Wesnousky, S. G., Zhang, P., and D.B. Slemmons (1996) Surface faulting of the 1954 Fairview Peak (Ms 7.2) and Dixie Valley (Ms 6.8) Earthquakes, Central Nevada, Bulletin of the Seismological Society ofAmerica, 86, 761-787 (PDF)

Crone, A. et al., 1987. Surface faulting accompanyingthe Borah Peak earthquake and segmentation of the Lost River Fault, central Idaho. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 77: 739-770. (PDF)

Callaghan, E. and Gianella, V.P., 1935. The earthquake of January 30, 1934, at Excelsior mountains, Nevada. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 25: 161-168. (PDF)

Doser, D.I., 1985. Source parameters and faulting processesof the 1959 Hebgen Lake, Montana, earthquake sequence. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(4537-4555). (PDF)

Doser, D.I., 1988. Source parameters of earthquakes in the Nevada seismic zone, 1915-1943. Journal of Geophysical Research, 93: 15001-15015. (PDF)

Chorsi, T. S., J. Braunmiller, F. H. Deng, N. Mueller, S. Kerstetter, R. J. Stern, and T. H. Dixon (2022). The May 15, 2020 M 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada, earthquake: eyes in the sky, boots on the ground, and a chance for students to learn, International Geology Review 64 2683-2702. (PDF)

Bell et al. (1999) Surface faulting and paleoseismic history of the 1932 Cedar Mountain earthquake area, west-central Nevada, and implications for modern tectonics of the Walker Lane, GSA Bulletin; June 1999; v. 111; no. 6; p. 791–807 (PDF)

Sieh, K. E. and many others, Near field investigations of the Landers earthquake sequence, April to July 1992, 171-176, 1993. (PDF)
Caskey, S. J., Bell, J., Wesnousky, S. G., Ramelli, A.R. (2004), Historic surface faulting and paleoseismicity in the area of the 1954 Rainbow Mountain – Stillwater earthquake sequence, Central Nevada, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94, 1255-1275. (PDF)

Crone, A. et al., 1987. Surface faulting accompanyingthe Borah Peak earthquake and segmentation of the Lost River Fault, central Idaho. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 77: 739-770. (PDF)

      San Andreas -Spatial Depth Distribution

Wesnousky, S. G. (1986) Earthquakes, Quaternary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in California, Jour. Geophys. Res., 91, B12, 12,587-12631 (see figure 1, table 1, and attendant discussion) (PDF)

Hill, D. P. (1980), Seismicity, 1980-1986, p 115-152, in Wallace (ed) U.S.G.S Professional Paper 1515- The San Andreas Fault System, California (PDF)

Ellsworth, W. L. (1980), Earthquake History, p 154-188, in Wallace (ed) U.S.G.S Professional Paper 1515- The San Andreas Fault System, California (PDF)

      California - Large Quakes

Hauksson, E. and others (1993) The 1992 Landers Earthquake Sequence: Seismological Observations, Jour. Geophys. Res, 98, 19835-19858 (PDF)

Christy, H., 2000. The October 16, 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine earthqake 16 October, 1999. California Geology, 53: 12-15. (PDF)

Haukkson, E., Jones, L.M., and Hutton, K., 2002, The 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake sequence: Complex conjugate strike-slip faulting, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v 92, 1154-2002 (PDF)

Treiman, J.A. and many others, 2002, Primary surface rupture associated with the Mw 7.1 16 October 1999 Hector Mine earthquake, San Bernardino County, California, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,, v 92, 1771-1191. (PDF)

Ross et al., Science, Hierarchical interlocked orthogonal faulting in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence Science, 366, 346–351 (2019) (PDF)

Active Faulting and Seismicity

Wesnousky, S. G., Barron*, A. D., Briggs*, R. W., Caskey**, S. J., Kumar*, S. and L. Owen (2005), Paleoseismic transect across the northern Great Basin, USA, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B05408, doi:10.1029/2004JB003283. (PDF)

Wesnousky, S. G. (2005), Active faulting in the Walker Lane, Tectonics, 24, TC3009, doi:10.1029/2004TC001645. (PDF)

Wesnousky, S. G. (2005), The San Andreas and Walker Lane fault systems, western North America: transpression, transtension, cumulative slip and the structural evolution of a major transform plate boundary (2005), Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 1505-1512. (PDF)

Koehler*, R. D. and S. G. Wesnousky (2011), Late Pleistocene regional extension rate derived from earthquake geology of late Quaternary faults across the Great Basin, Nevada, between 38.5° and 40°N latitude, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Bulletin, 123, 631-650, doi: 10.1130/30111.1. (PDF)

Wesnousky, S. G., Bormann, J. M., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W. C., and J. N. Brune (2012), Neotectonics, Geodesy, Seismic Hazard in the northern Walker Lane of Western North America: Thirty kilometers of crustal shear and no strike-slip? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 329-330, 133-140, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.02.018 (PDF)

Day 5 Lecture on Oxygen-isotopes and Terrestrial Cosmogenic Datin

Glacial and Pluvial History

Oxygen-Isotope Record

Wesnousky    Martinson, M.D. et al., 1987. Age dating and the orbital theorey of the ice ages: development of a high-resolution 0 to 3000,000 year chronostratigraphy. Quaternary Research, 27: 1-29. (PDF)

Wesnousky    Mudelsee, M., T. Bickert, C. H. Lear, and G. Lohmann, 2014, Cenozoic clilmate changes: A review... (PDF)

Cosmogenic Dating

Wesnousky    Gosse, J. and Phillips, F., 2001, Terrestrial in situ cosmogenic nuclides: theory and application, Quaternary Science Reviews, 1465-1560 (PDF)

Sierran Glaciation

1a-Alyssa Lindsey    Blackwelder, E.B., 1931. Pleistocene glaciation in the Sierra Nevada and Basin Ranges. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 42: 865-922. (PDF)

1b-Alyssa Lindsey  Powerpoint Presentation PowerPoint-RevisedSGW Sharp, R.P. and Birman, J.H., 1963. Additions to classical sequence of Pleistocene glaciations, Sierra Nevada, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 74: 1079-1086. (PDF)

Gillespie, A.R., Clark, M.M. and Burke, R.M., 1999. Eliot Blackwelder and the alpine glaciations of Sierra Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin-Special paper, 338: 443-452. (PDF)

Bursik, M.J., 1993. Late Pleistocene glaciation of Mono Basin, California. Quaternary Research, 39: 24-35. (PDF)

2a-Hannah Martin    Phillips, F.M. et al., 1990. Cosmogenic chlorine-36 chronologyh for glacial deposits at Bloody Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada. Science, 248: 1529. (PDF)

2b-Hannah Martin    Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint-RevisedSGW Phillips et al., 2009. Glacial geology and chronology of Bishop Creek and vicinity, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, August . (PDF - 0.4 MB)

Basin and Range Glaciation

  Osborn, G. and Bevis, K., 2001. Glaciation in the Great Basin of the western United States. Quaternary Science Reviews, 13: 1377-1410. (PDF)

  Wesnousky, S.G., R. W. Briggs, M. Caffee, R. Ryerson, R. Finkel, and L. A. Owen (2016). Glaciation in the Great Basin of the western United States. Quaternary Science Reviews, 13: 1377-1410. (PDF)

3 Ian Adams     Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint-RevisedSGW Pierce, I. K S. G., Wesnousky, and L. ,. Owen, (2017), Terrestrial cosmogenic surface exposure dating of moraines at Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada, California, and slip rate estimate for the West Tahoe Fault, Geomorphology, 298, 63-71. (PDF)

    Development of the Truckee River terraces on the northeastern flank of the Sierra Nevada, Geomorphology, 370, https://doi.org10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107399 (PDF)

Ruby-East Humboldts

4a Maggie Duncan   Powerpoint  Sharp, R.P., 1938. Pleistocene glaciation in the Ruby-East Humboldt range, northeastern Nevada. Journal of Geomorphology, 1: 296-323. (PDF)

4b Maggie Duncan     Wayne, W.J., 1984. Glacial chronology of the Ruby Mountains - East Humboldt Range, Nevada. Quaternary Research, 21: 286-303. (PDF)

Pluvial Lake History

5a-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint-ab  Reheis, M. Map of pluvial lakes of western U.S. Smithsonian publication (PDF)

Hunt, C. B., 1980, .K. Gilberts Lake Bonneville Stdies, GSA Special Paper 183, 45-59 (PDF)

Morrison, R.B., 1991. Introduction. In: R.B. Morrison (Editor), Quaternary nonglacial geology; Conterminous U.S. Geological Society of America, pp. 1-12. (PDF)

 Adams, K.D. and Wesnousky, S.G., 1998. Shoreline processes and the age of the Lake Lahontan highstand in the Jessup Embayment, Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110: 1318-1332. (PDF)

 Adams, K.D. and others, 1999, Isostatic Rebound, active faulting, and potential geoorphic effects in Lake Lahontan basin, Nevada and California, SA Bulletin, 111, 1739-1756 (PDF)

5b-Maia Zhang      Benson, and many others, 1990, Chronology of expansin and contrction of four Great Basin Lake Systems during the past 35,000 years, Palaeogeograpy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology, 78, 241-286. (PDF)

 Reheis, M., 1999. Highest pluvial-lake shorelines and Pleistocene climate of the western Great Basin. Quaternary Research, 52: 196-205. (PDF)

Reheis, M.C., Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., Reynolds, R.L., Repenning, C.A., and Mifflin, M.D., 2002, Pliocene to middle Pleistocene lakes in the western Great Basin: Ages and connections, in Hershler, R., Madsen, D., and Currey, D.R., eds., Great Basin Aquatic Systems History: Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, Contributions to the Earth Sciences no. 33, p. 53-108. (PDF)

Late Cenozoic Deformation: Inception and Offset

Mojave/Eastern California Shear Zone 6a-Ryan Parkyn Powerpoint-ab  Dokka, R.K., 1983. Displacements on late Cenozoic strike-slip faults of the central Mojave Desert, California. Geology, 11: 305-308. (PDF)

6b-Ryan Parkyn  Dokka, R.K., 1989. The Mojave extensional belt of southern California. Tectonics, 8: 363-390. (PDF) powerpoint

Sierra Nevada

Axelrod, D. I., 1957. Late Tertiary floras and the Sierra Nevada uplfit [Calif. - Nev], Geological Society of America Bulletin, 68, 19-45. (PDF)

Moore, D.D. and Hopson, C.A., 1961. The Independence Dike Swarm in Eastern California. American Journal of Science, 259: 241-259. (PDF)

Ross, D.C., 1962. Correlation of granitic plutons across faulted Owens Valley, California. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 450-D: D86-D88. (PDF)

Dalrymple, G.B., 1964. Cenozoic chronology of the Sierra Nevada,California. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, 46: A-116. (PDF)

Dalrymple Map (PDF) Dalrymple Fig 12 (PDF)

Christensen, M.N., 1966. Late Cenozoic crustal movements in the Sierra Nevada of California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 77: 163-181. (PDF)

7 Ruben Underwood   Powerpoint Bachman, S.B., 1978. Pliocene-Pleistocene break-up of the Sierra Nevada-White-Inyo Mountain block and formation of Owens Valley. Geology, 6: 461-463. (PDF)

8-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint Huber, N.K., 1981. Amount and timing of late Cenozoic uplift and tilt of the central Sierra Nevada, Californa: Evidence from the upper San Joaquin River basin. U. S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1197. (PDF).

9-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Unruh, J.R., 1991. The uplift of the Sierra-Nevada and implications for late Cenozoic epeirogeny in the western Cordillera. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 103: 1395-1404. (PDF)

10a-Henry Zhou  Powerpoint Wolfe, J.A. and Molnar, P., 1997. Paleobotannical evidence for high altitudes in Nevada during the Miocene. Science, 276: 1672-1675. (PDF)

Kylander-Clark, A.R.C., Coleman, D.S., Glazner, A.F., et. Al, 2005, Evidence for 65 km of dextral slip across Owens Valley, California, since 83 Ma, Geological Society of America Bulletin 117 (7-8), 962-968 (PDF)

11-YairFranco    Powerpoint Wakabayashi, J. and T. L. Sawyer, 2001, Stream incision, tectonics, uplift, and evolution of topography of the Sierra Nevada, California, Journal of Geology, 109, 5, 539-562 (PDF)

Lindgren, W., 1911, The Tertiary gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California, U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 73, 226 (PDF) (PDF - plate 1) (PDF - plate 9)

(It was Lindgren that conluded that north Sierra was tilted toward the west as a rigid block and that the hinge line lay along the present boundry between the Sierra Nevada and Central Valley)

Southern Walker Lane

Death Valley

Wright, L.A., 1982. The geology of Death Valley. Earth Science, 35: 11-15. (PDF)

next two papers introduce 'turtlebacks' of Death Valley
Curry, H. D. (1954) Turtlebacks in the central black mountains, Death Valley, California, in Jahns, R. H., Editor, Geology of souther California, Calif. Div. Mines Bull 170, chapt IV, p. 53-59. (PDF)

Noble, L. F., and Wright, L. A. (1954), Geology of central sourthern Death valley region, California, in Jahns, R. H., Editor, Geology of souther California, Calif. Div. Mines Bull 170, chapt IV, p. 143-160. (PDF)

12a-Alyssa Lindsey  Powerpoint Hill, M. L. and Troxel, B. W. 1966. Tectonics of Death Valley Region, California, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 77, 4, 35-438 (PDF)

12b-Alyssa Lindsey  Powerpoint Burchfiel , B. C., and Stewart, J. H., 1966, "Pull-apart" origin of the central segment of Death Valley, California, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 77, 439-442. (PDF)

13-Hannah Martin  Powerpoint Stewart, J.H., 1983. Extensional tectonics in the Death Valley area, California; transport of thePanamint Range structural block 80 km northwestward. Geology, 11(153-157). (PDF)

14-Ian Adams  Powerpoint Butler, P.R., Troxel, B.W. and Verosub, K.L., 100. Late Cenozoic history and styles of deformation along the southern Death Valley fault zone, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 100: 402-410. (PDF)

For Everybody: Nice Little Tutorial on Concepts of Partial Retention and Cooling histories

  Holm, D.K., Snow, J.K. and Lux, D.R., 1992. Thermal and barometric constraints on the intrusive and unroofing history of the black Mountains, implications for timing, initial dip, and kinematics of detachment faulting in the Death Valley region, California. Tectonics, 11: 507-522. (PDF)

14-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Holm, D. K. and Dokka, R. K. 1993. Interpretation and tectonic implications of cooling histories: An example from the Black Mountains, Death Valley extended terrane, California, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 116, Issue 1-4, p. 63-80 (PDF)

Calzia, J.P. and Ramo, O.T., 2000. Late Cenozoic crustal extension and magmatism southern Death Valley region. In: D.R. Lageson, S.G. Peters and M.M. Lahren (Editors), Great Basin and Sierra Nevada: GSA Field Guide 2. Geological Society of America, Reno, NV, pp. 135-164. (PDF)

15 Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Lee, J., Stockli, D.F., Owen, L.A., Finkel, R.C., Kislitsyn, R., 2009. Exhumation of the Inyo Mountains, California: Implications for the timing of extension along the western boundary of the Basin and Range Province and distribution of dextral fault slip rates across the eastern California shear zone. Tectonics 28, 20. (PDF)

White Mountains

Stockli, D. F., Farley, K. A., and Dumitru, T. A., 2000, Calibration of the apatite (U-TH)/He thermochronometer on an exhumed fault block, White Mountains, California, Geology, v 28, 983-986. (PDF)

15-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint Stockli, D. F., Dumitru, T. A., McWilliams,  M. O. and Rarley, K. A., 2003, Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the White Mountains: California and Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115, p. 788-816. (PDF)

Panamint-Saline Valley

16-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint Burchfiel, B.C., Hodges, K.V. and Royden, L.H., 1987. Geology of the Panamint Valley - Saline Valley pull-apart system, California: Palinspastic evidence for low-angle geometry of a Neogene range-bounding fault. Journal of Geophysical Research, 92: 10422-10426. (PDF)

Central Walker Lane

Molinari, M.P., 1984. Late Cenozoic structural geology of Stewart and Monte Cristo Valleys, Walker Lane of west central Nevada. In: J. Lintz Jr. (Editor), Western Geological Excursions. 1984 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Geological Society of America, Reno, NV, pp. 219-231. (PDF)

17-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint Ekren, E.B. and Byers, F.M., 1984. The Gabbs Valley Range -- A well-exposed segment of the Walker Lane in west-central Nevada. In: J. Lintz Jr. (Editor), Western Geological Excursions. 1984 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Geological Society of America, Reno, NV, pp. 203-215. (PDF)

18-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Lee et al. 2020. Plate boundary trench retreat and dextral shear drive intracontinental fault-slip histories: Neogene dextral faulting across the Gabbs Valley and Gillis Ranges (PDF)

Hardyman, R.F., 1984. Strike-slip, normal, and detachment faults in the northern Gillis range, Walker Lane of west-central Nevada. In: J. Lintz Jr. (Editor), Western Geological Excursions. 1984 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Geological Society of America, Reno, NV, pp. 184-202. (PDF)

Hardyman, R.F. and Oldow, J.S., 1991. Tertiary tectonic framework and Cenozoic history of the central Walker Lane, Nevada. In: G.L. Raines (Editor), Geology and Ore Deposits of the Great Basin. Geological Society of Nevada, Reno, pp. 279-302. (PDF)

19a-Henry-Xincheng Zhou  Powerpoint Oldow, J.S., Kohler, G. and Donelick, R.A., 1994. Late Cenozoic extensional transfer in the Walker Lane strike-slip belt, Nevada. Geology, 22 (637-640) (PDF)

19b-Henry-Xincheng Zhou  Stockli, D. F., Surpless, B. E., and T. A.Dumitu, 2002. Thermochronological constraints on the timing and magnitude of Miocene and Pliocene extensions in the central Wassuk Range, western Nevada, Tectonics, 21 1028, 10.1029/2001TC001TC0012995 pages 10-1 to 19 (PDF)

20-Yair Franco  Powerpoint Surpless, B. E., Stockli, D. F., Dumitru, T. A., and E. L. Miller, 2002. Two phase westward encroachment of Basin and Range extension into the northern Sierra Nevada, Tectonics, 21, 10.1029/2000TC001257 (PDF)

Gray, D.S., 1996. Structural contols of precious metal mineralizaton at the Denton-Rawhide Mine, Rawhide, Nevada, in: Coyner, A.R., Fahey, P.L. (Eds.), Geology and Ore Deposits of the American Cordillera. Geological Society of Nevada Symposium, April 1995, Reno-Sparks, Nevada, pp. 263-281 (PDF)

Northern Walker Lane

21-Christie Rowe 
Cashman, P. H., and S. A. Fontaine, 2000, Strain partitioning in the northern Walker Lane, western Nevada and northeastern California, Tectonophysics, 326, 111-130. (PDF)

22-Hannah Martin  Powerpoint Henry, C. D. and M. E. Perkins, 2001, Sierra Nevada-Basin and Range transition near Reno, Nevada; two-stage development at 12 and 3 Ma, Geology, 29, 719-722. (PDF)

23-Ian Adams  Powerpoint Faulds , James E., Christopher D. Henry, and Nicholas H. Hinz, Kinematics of the northern Walker Lane: An incipient transform fault along the Pacific–North American plate boundary, Geology, October 2007; v. 35; no. 10; p. 943–947; doi: 10.1130/G23868A (PDF)

Garlock Fault

Tues Oct 1

24-Maggie Duncans  Powerpoint Andrew, J. E., J.D. Walker, and F. Monastero, 2015, Evolution of the central Garlock fault zone, California: A major sinistral fault embedded in a dextral plate margin, GSA Bulletin 127 (1-2): 227–249. (PDF)

Hatem, A.E., and J.F. Dolan., 2018. A model for the Initiation, Evolution, and Controls on Seismic Behavior of the Garlock Fault, California, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 2166-2178 (PDF)

Basin and Range

Appearance of fault controlled basins

Robinson, P.T., Mckee, E.H. and Moiola, R.J., 1968. Cenozoic volcanism and sedimentation, Silver Peak region, western Nevada and adjacent California. In: R.R. Coats, R.L. Hay and C.A. Anderson (Editors), Studies in volcanology-A memoir in honor of Howel Williams. Geological Society of America, pp. 577-611. (PDF)

Ekren, E.B., Rogers, C.L., Anderson, R.E. and Orkild, P.P., 1968. Age of basin and range normal faults in Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada, Nevada Test Site. Geological Society of America, pp. 247-250 (PDF)

Axelrod, D.I., 1957. Late Tertiary floras and the Sierra Nevada uplift [Calif. - Nev]. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 68: 19-45. (see prior section) (PDF)

25-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint Stewart, J.H., 1980. Geology of Nevada: a discussion to accompany the Geologic Map of Nevada. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication, 4: pp. 136. (read pages 105-115). (PDF)

26-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Gilbert, C.M. and Reynolds, M.W., 1973. Character and chronology of basin development, western margin of the Basin and Range province. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 84: 2489-2509. (PDF)

 Dubendorfer, E.M. and Simpson, D.A., 1994. Kinematics and timing of Tertiary extension in the western Lake Mead region, Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 106: 1057-1073. (PDF)

Proffet, J.M.J., 1977. Cenozoic geology of the Yerington distric, Nevada, and implications for the nature and origin of Basin and Range faulting. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 88: 247-266. (PDF)

27-Ruben Underwooed  Powerpoint Dilles, J.H. and Gans, P.B., 1995. The chronology of Cenozoic volcanism and deformation in the Yerington area, western Basin and Range and Walker Lane. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 107: 474-486. (PDF)

29a-Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Colgan, J. P., Dumitru, T. A., McWilliams, M. and E. Miller, 2006, Timing of Cenozoic volcanism and Basin and Range Extension in northwestern Nevada, New constraints from the northern Pine Forest Range, Geological Society of American Bulletin, 118, 126-139. (PDF)

29b-Ryan Parkyn  Fosdick, J.C.  and J.P. Colgan, Miocene extension in the East Range, Nevada: A two-stage history of normal faulting in the northern Basin and Range, GSA Bulletin; September/October 2008; v. 120; no. 9/10; p. 1198–1213; doi: 10.1130/B26201.1 (PDF)

28-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint Colgan, J. P., Dumitru, T. A., Miller, E. L., Diachroneity of Basin and Range extension and Yellowstone hotspot volcanism in northwestern Nevada, 2004, Geology, 32, 121-124. (PDF)

30-Henry-Xincheng Zhou  Powerpoiint Colgan, J. P., Dumitru, T. A., Reiners, P. W., Wooden, J. L. Miller, E. L., 2006, Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the basin and range province in northwestern Nevada, American Journal of Science, 306, 616-654 (PDF)


Bryant, B., Naeser, C.W., Marvin, R. F., and Mehnert, H.H., 1989. Ages of late Paleogene and Neogene tuffs and the beginning of rapid regional extension, eastern boundary of the Basin and Range Province near Salt Lake City, Utah: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1787 Chapter K, 37p. (PDF) (Plate 1)

Kowallis, B. J., Ferguson, J., and G. G. Jorgensen, 1990, Uplift along the Salt Lake segment of the Wasatch fault from apatite and zircon dating in the Little Cottonwood stock, in Durani, S. A., and Benton, E. V., eds., Proceedings of the 6th International Fission track Dating Workshop, Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17: Oxford, Pergamon, p. 325-329. (PDF)

Tues Oct 8 and 10 next 8-10 papers - Ryan Parkyn will not be attending - anybody consider switching with him?

31-Yair Franco  Armstrong, P. A., Ehlers, T. A., Chapman, D.S., Farley, K.A., and Kamp, P.J.J., 2003. Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, 1: Pattern and timing deduced from low-temperature thermochronology data: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 108, no B3, p. 2172, doi: 10.1029/2001JB001708 (PDF)

Lack of relief prior to basin and range faulting (ash flow sheets and stratigraphy)

32-Christie Rowe by SGW  Powerpoint Cooke, E.F., 1965. Stratigraphy of Tertiary volcanic rocks in eastern Nevada. Nevada Bureau of Mines Rept, 11: 61 p. (PDF)

Stewart, J.H., 1980. Geology of Nevada: a discussion to accompany the Geologic Map of Nevada. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication, 4: pp. 136. (see comments on p. 110 bearing on igneous activity). (PDF)

33-Hannah Martin  Gromme, C.S., McKee, E.H. and Blacke, M.C., 1972. Paleomagnetic correlation and potassium-argon dating of middle Tertiary ash-flow sheets in the easttern Great Basin, Nevada and Utah. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 83: 1619-1638. (PDF)

34-Ian Adams  Powerpoint Garside-The upper reaches of the Sierra Nevada auriferous gold deposits, Geological Society of Nevada Symposium 2005: Window to the World, Reno, Nevada, May 2005, p. 209–235. (PDF)

35-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Nicholas H. Hinz1, James E. Faulds1, Joseph P. Colgan2, David A. John2, Elwood R. Brooks3, Elizabeth J. Cassel4, Larry J. Garside1, David A. Davis1, and Steven B. Castor, Early Miocene paleotopography of the Sierra Nevada¬Great Basin-Nevadaplano based on widespread ash-flow tuffs and paleovalleys Geosphere; February 2012; v. 8; no. 1; p. 1-27; doi:10.1130/GES00727.1 (pdf)

36-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint Henry, C. D. and D. A. John, 2013,  Magmatism, ash-flow tuffs, and calderas of the ignimbrite flareup in the western Nevada volcanic field, Great Basin, USA, Geosphere; August 2013; v. 9; no. 3; p. 951–1008; doi:10.1130/GES00867.1 PDF

37-Solomon Feinstein For Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Busby, C., DeOreo, I. Skilling, P.B. Gans, and J.C. Hagan, Carson Pass–Kirkwood paleocanyon system: Paleogeography of the ancestral Cascades arc and implications for landscape evolution of the Sierra Nevada (California), GSA Bulletin; March/April 2008; v. 120; no. 3/4; p. 274-299; doi: 10.1130/B25849.1 (PDF)

Geologic constraints on amount of extension/displacement

38-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint Thompson, G.A., 1959. Gravity measurements between Hazen and Austin, Nevada: A study of basin-range structure. Journal of Geophysical Research 64, 217-229. (PDF)

  Thompson, G.A., 1966. The rift system of the western United States, in: Irvine, T.N. (Ed.), The World Rift System: Report of Symposium, Ottaw, Canada 4-5 September, 1965. Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 280-289. (PDF)

Thompson, G.A., Burke, D.B., 1974. Regional Geophysics of the Basin and Range Province. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 2, 213-238. (PDF)

39-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint Thompson, G.A., Burke, D.B., 1973. Rate and direction of spreading in Dixie Valley, Basin and Range province, Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin 84, 627-632. (PDF)

Colgan, J.P. and C. D. Henry., 2009. Rapid middle Miocene collapse of the Mesozoic orogenic plateau in north-central Nevada. International Geology Review 51, 920-961. (PDF)

*Morton, W. H. and Black, R. 1975, Afar depression of Ethiopia. Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics; International Symposium on the Afar Region and Related Rift Problems: Proceedings, 55-65 (PDF)

Stewart, J.H., 1978. Basin and Range structure in western north America: A review. In: R.B. Smith and G.P. Eaton (Editors), Cenozoic Tectonics and Regional Geophysics of the Western Cordillera. Geological Socity of America, Boulder, CO, pp. 1-31. (PDF)
powerpoint 49

40-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Stewart, J.H., 1980. Regional tilt patterns of late Cenozoic Basin-Range fault blocks, Western United-States, GSAB, 91, 8, 460-464 (PDF)

Smith, D.L., 1992. History and kinematics of Cenozoic extension in the northern Toiyabe Range, Lander County, Nevada, GSAB, 104, 789-801(PDF)

Stewart, J.H., 1998, Regional characteristics, tilt domains, and extensional history of the late Cenozoic Basin and Range province, western North America, in Faulds, J.E., and Stewart, J.H., eds., Accommodation zones and transfer zones: The regional segmentation of the Basin and Range province, Geological Society of America Special Paper 323, p. 47-74. (PDF)

Rowley, P.D., 1998, Cenozoic transverse zones and igneous belts in the Great Basin, western United States: Their tectonic and economic implications, in Faulds, J.E., and Stewart, J.H., eds., Accommodation zones and transfer zones: The regional segmentation of the Basin and Range Province, Geological Society of America Special Paper 323, p. 195-228 (PDF)

*Magill, J., A. Cox, and R. Duncan (1981). Tillamook volcanic series - further evidence for tectonic rotation of the Oregon coast range, Journal of Geophysical Research 86 2953-2970. (PDF)

Bogen, N.L. and R.A. Schweickert, 1985. Magnitude of crustal extension across the northern Basin and Range province: constraints from paleomagnetism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 75, 93-100 (PDF)

41-Christie Rowe  Powerpoint Long, S.P., 2019. Geometry and magnitude of extension in the Basin and Range province (39°N), Utah, Nevada, and California, USA: Constraints from a province-scale cross section. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 131: 99-119. (PDF)

42-Ian Adams  Powerpoint Wernicke, B., Spencer, J.E., Burchfiel, B.C. and Guth, P.L., 1982. Magnitude of crustal extension in the southern Great Basin. Geology, 10: 499-503. (PDF)

The Northern Nevada Rift

43-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Zoback, M.L., Thompson, G.A., 1978. Basin And Range rifting in northern Nevada - Clues From A Mid-Miocene Rift and its subsequent offsets. Geology 6, 111-116. (PDF)

Li, Y., Geissman, J.W., Nur, A., Ron, H., Huang, Q., 1990. Paleomagnetic evidence for counterclockwise block rotation in the North Nevada Rift region. Geology 18, 79-82. (PDF)

44-Maia Zhang  Zoback, M.L., McKee, E.H., Blakely, R.J., Thompson, G.A., 1994. The Northern Nevada Rift - regional tectonomagmatic relations and Middle Miocene stress direction. Geological Society of America Bulletin 106, 371-382. (PDF)

Cenozoic Volcanism

44-Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Armstrong, R.L., Ekren, E.B., McKee, E.H. and Noble, D.C., 1969. Space-time relations of Cenozoic silicic volcanism in the Great Basin. American Journal of Science, 267: 478-490. (PDF)

McKee, E.H. and Silberman, M.L., 1970. Geochronology of Tertiary igneous rocks in central Nevada. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 81: 2317-2327. (PDF)

45-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint McKee, E.H., 1971. Tertiary igneous chronoloy of the Great Basin of western United States;Implications for tectonic models. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 82: 3497-3502. (PDF)

46-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint McKee, E.H. and Noble, D.C., 1986. Tectonic and magmatic development of the Great Basin of Western United States during late Cenozoic. Modern Geology, 1: 39-49. (PDF)

 Christiansen, R.L. and McKee, E.H., 1978. Late Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic evolution of the Great Basin and Columbia Intermontane regions. In: P.W. Lipman, C.E. Chapin and M.A. Dungan (Editors), Cenozoic Volcanism in the western United States: a volume of selected reprints. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., pp. 645-673. (PDF)

47-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Luedke, R.G. and Smith, R.L., 1991. Introduction. In: R.B. Morrison (Editor), Quaternary nonglacial geology; Conterminous U.S. Geological Society of America, pp. 75-92. (PDF)

48-Henry Zhou  Powerpoint Sarna, A.M. and Davis, J.O., 1991. Quaternary tephrochronology. In: R.B. Morrison (Editor), Quaternary nonglacial geology; Conterminous U.S. Geological Society of America, pp. 93-116. (PDF)

49-Yair Franco  Powerpoint Sieh, K. and Bursik, M.J., 1986. Most recent eruption of the Mono Craters, eastern Central California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91: 12539-12571. (PDF)

Anonymous, 2001. Geologic History of Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters Volcanic Chain, California.

50-Christie Rowe  Bailey, R.A., Dalrymple, G.B., and Lanphere, M.A., 1976, Volcanism, structure, and geochronology of Long Valley Caldera, Mono County, California: Journal of Geophysical Research, B, v. 81, no. 5, p. 725-744. (PDF)

Dilles, J. H., and Gans, P. B., 1995, The chronology of Cenozoic volcanism and deformatin in the Yerington area, western Basin and Rane and Walker Lane, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 107, 474-486. (PDF)

Colgan, J.P., Dumitru, T. A., and Miller, E. L., 2004, Diachroneity of Basin and Range extension and Yellowstone hotspot volcanism in northwestern Nevada, Geology, v. 32, 121-124. (PDF)

51-Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Hooper, P.R. , G.B. Binger, and K.R. Lees, Ages of the Steens and Columbia River flood basalts and their relationship to extension-related calc-alkalic volcanism in eastern Oregon, GSABulletin; January2002; v.114; no.1; p.43–50 (PDF)

52-Alyssa Lindsay  Powerpoint Baksi, A. K. 2004 Ages of the Steens and Columbia River flood basalts and their relationship to extension-related calc-alkalic volcanism in eastern Oregon: Discussion, GSA Bulletin (2004) 116 (1-2): 247–248 (PDF)

51 and 52 of limited utility

Plate Tectonic Models

53-Ian Adams  Powerpoint Dickenson, W. R., and W. S. Snyder, 1979, Geometry of subducted slabs related to San Andreas transform, Journal of Geology, 87, 609-628. (PDF)

54-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Cenozoic geometry and thermal state of the subducting slabs beneath western North America. Geological Society of America, Memoir 176: 1-22. (PDF)

55-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint McQuarrie, N. and Wernicke, B. P., 2006, An animated tectonic reconstruction of southwestern North America since 36 Ma, Geosphere, December 2005, v. 1; no. 3, p. 147-172; doi: 10.1130/GES00016.1 (PDF)

55a-Maia Zhang  McQuarrie and Wernicke Animation

Age and Genesis of Sierra Nevada

56-Ryan Parkyn  Poweroint Barth, A.P., J. D. Walker, J.L. Wooden, N.R. Riggs, and R. A. Schweickert, 2011, Birth of the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc: Early Mesozoic plutonism and volcanism in the east-central Sierra Nevada of California (PDF)

57-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint Paterson, S. R. and M. N. Ducea ,2015, Arc Magmatic Tempos: Gathering the Evidence, ELEMENTS, Vol. 11,pp. 91–98 (PDF)

58-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint Nadin, E.S., Saleeby, J., and Wong, M., 2016, Thermal evolution of the Sierra Nevada batholith, California, and implications for strain localization: Geosphere, v. 12, no. 2, p. 377–399 (PDF)

Bateman, P. C., L.D. Clark, N.K. Huber, J. G. Moore and C D. Rinehart ,1963, A synthesis of recent work across the Central Part, Geological Survey Professional Paper 414-D, ppl. 45 (PDF)

E. S. Larsen, D. Gottfried, . W. JHaffe, and C. L. Waring, 1958, Lead-Alpha ages of Mesozoic batholiths of western North America,, Geological Survey Bulletin 1070-B, (PDF)

Chen, J. H., 1982, Uranium-lead isotopic ages from the sierra nevada batholith, California, Jour. Geophy. Res., v. 87, 4761-4784 (PDF)

Jones, C. H., Farmer, G. L. and J. Unruh, 2004, Tectonics of Pliocene removal of lithosphere of the Sierra Nevada, California, Geological Society of America Bulletin 116m 11012, 1408-1422 (PDF)

59-Henry Zhou  Powerpoint Saleeby, J., Pourhiet and others 2012, Epeirogenic transients related to mantle lithosphere removal in the southern Sierra Nevada region, California, part I: Implications of thermomechanical modeling, Geosphere v.8. no.6, 1286-1309 (PDF)

Wernicke, B., Clayton, R., Ducea, M., Jones, C.H., Park, S., Ruppert, S., Saleeby, J., Snow, J.K., Squires, L., Fliedner, M., Jiracek, G., Keller, R., Klemperer, S., Luetgert, J., Malin, P., Miller, K., Mooney, W., Oliver, H., Phinney, R., 1996. Origin of high mountains in the continents: The southern Sierra Nevada. Science 271, 190-193. (PDF)

Lee, C-TA, 2014, Physics and Chemistry of Deep Continental Crust Recycling, Treatise on Geochemistry Section 4.12, 423-456 (PDF)

60-Yair Franco  Powerpoint Wernicke, B., Clayton, R., Ducea, M., Jones, C.H., Park, S., Ruppert, S., Saleeby, J., Snow, J.K., Squires, L., Fliedner, M., Jiracek, G., Keller, R., Klemperer, S., Luetgert, J., Malin, P., Miller, K., Mooney, W., Oliver, H., Phinney, R., 1996. Origin of high mountains in the continents: The southern Sierra Nevada. Science 271, 190-193. (PDF)

61-Christie Rowe  House, M.A., Wernicke, B.P., Farley, K.A., 1998. Dating topography of the Sierra Nevada, California, using apatite (U-Th)/He ages. Nature 396, 66-69. (PDF)

Core Complexes and Early Cenozoic Extension

62-Alyssa Lindsay  Powerpoint Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes: An overview. Geological Society of America Memoir 153, 6-31. (PDF)

63-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Coney, P.J., 1984. Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes; Cenozoic extensional relics of Mesozoic compression. Geology, 12: 550-554. ((PDF)

Lipman, P.W., Porostka, H.J. and Christiansen, R.L., 1972. Cenozoic volcanism and plate-tectonic evolution of the wetern United States; I, Early and middle Cenzoic. Royal Society of london Philosophical Transactions,, 271: 217-248. (PDF)

Coney, P.J., 1987. The regional tectonic setting and possible causes of Cenozoic extension in the North American Cordillera. In: M.P. Coward, J.F. Dewey and P.L. Hancock (Editors), Continental extensional tectonics. Geological Society of London, London, pp. 177-186. (PDF) 

64-Hannah Martin    Powerpoint Armstrong, R.L. and Ward, P., 1991. Evolving Geographic Patterns of Cenozoic Magmatism in the north Ameican Cordillera: The Temporal and Spatial Association of Magmatism and Metamorphic Core Complexes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96: 13201-13224. (PDF)

65-Ian Adams    Powerpoint Best, M.G. and Christiansen, E.H., 1991. Limited extension during peak Tertiary volcanism, Great Basin of Nevada and Utah. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96: 13509-1358. (PDF)

 Gans, P.B., Mahood, G.A. and Schermer, E.R., 1989. Synextensional magmatism in the Basin and Range Province; a case study from the eastern Great Basin. Geological Society of America Bulletin - Special Paper, 233: 53 pp. (PDF)

Egger, A. E., Dumitru, T. A., Mliler, E. L. and others, Timing and nature of Tertiary plutonism in the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah, International Geology Review, 45, 1 -37. (PDF)

66-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Axen, G. (1993) Space-time patterns and tectonic controls of Tertiary extension and magmatism in the Great Basin of the western United States, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 105, 56-75 (PDF)

67-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Miller, E. L., Dumitru, T. A., Brown, R. W., and P. B. Gans, 1999, Rapid Miocene slip on the Snake Range-Deep Creek Range fault system, east-central Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 111, 886-905. (PDF)

Howard, K. A., 2003. Crustal structure in the Elko-Carlin region, Nevada, during Eocene gold mineralization: Ruby-East Humboldt metamorphic core complex as a guide to the deep crust, Economic Geology, v. 98, 249-268. (PDF)

68-Henry Zhou  Long, S. P., Heizler, M. T., Thomson, S. N., Reiners, P. W., & Fryxell, J. E. (2018). Rapid Oligocene to early Miocene extension along the Grant Range detachment system, Nevada, USA: Insights from multipart cooling histories of footwall rocks. Tectonics, 37, 4752-4779. 2018TC005073 (PDF)

 *Anderson R. E.,  1971Thin skin distension in tertiary rocks of southeastern Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 82, 1, 43-58 (PDF)

*Rahl, J. M., A. J. McGrew, and K. A. Foland, 2002, Transition from contraction to extension in the northeastern Basin and Range: New evidence from the Copper Mountains, Nevada, Journal of Geology 110 179-194. (PDF)

69-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint *Gans, P. B., E. Seedorff, P. L. Fahey, R. W. Hasler, D. J. Maher, R. A. Jeanne, and S. A. Shaver, 2001, Rapid Eocene extension in the Robinson district, White Pine County, Nevada: Constraints from Ar-40/Ar-39 dating, Geology 29 475-478. (PDF)

 McGrew, A. J., M. T. Peters, and J. E. Wright, 2000, Thermobarometric constraints on the tectonothermal evolution of the East Humboldt Range metamorphic core complex, Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin 112 45-60. (PDF)

*McGrew, A. J., and L. W. Snee, 1994,  AR-40 AR-39 Thermochronological constraints on the tectonothermal evolution of the northern East Humboldt range metamorphic core complex, Nevada, Tectonophysics 238 425-450.

70-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint *Wells, M. L., L. W. Snee, and A. E. Blythe, 2000, Dating of major normal fault systems using thermochronology: An example from the Raft River detachment, Basin and Range, western United States, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 105 16303-16327. (PDF)

Armstrong, P.A., Ehlers, T. A., Chapman, D. S., Farley, K.A., and Kamp, P.J., 2003, Exhumation of the central Wasatch Montains, Utah: 1. Patterns and timng of exhumatin deduced from low-temperature thermochronology data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, B3, 2172, doi: 10.1029/2001JB001708 (PDF)

71-Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint *Methner, K., A. Mulch, C. Teyssier, M. L. Wells, M. A. Cosca, R. Gottardi, A. Gebelin, and C. P. Chamberlain (2015). Eocene and Miocene extension, meteoric fluid infiltration, and core complex formation in the Great Basin (Raft River Mountains, Utah), Tectonics 34 680-693. (PDF)

Plate Tectonics -Core Complexes to Mesozoic orogenies

72-Yair Franco  Powerpoint Engebretson, D.C., Cox, A. and Thompson, G.A., 1984. Correlation of plate motions with continental tectonics - Laramide to Basin and Range. Tectonics, 3: 115-119. (PDF)

73-Christie Rowe  Role of crustal thickening and extensional collapse in the tectonic evolution of the Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States. Geology, 19: 1104-1107. (PDF)

74-Alyssa Lindsey  Powerpoint Dumitru, T.A., Gans, P.B., Foster, D.A. and Miller, E.L., 1991. Refrigeration of the western Cordilleran lithosphere during Lramide shallow-angle subduction. Geology, 19: 1145-1148. (PDF)

Humphreys, E. D,, 1995, Post-Laramide removal of the Farallon slab, western United States, Geology, v. 23, 987-990. (PDF)

Mesozoic: Laramide Orogeny

75-Hannah Martin  Powerpoint Dickenson, W. R. and others, 1988, Paleogeographic and paleotectonic setting of Laramide sedimentry basins in the central Rocky Mountain region, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 100, 1023-1039. (PDF)

76a-Ian Adams  Powerpoint English, J. M. and Johnsotn, S. T., 2004, The Laramide Orogeny: What were the Driving Forces? International Geology Review, 46, 833-838. (PDF)

76b-Ian Adams  Powerpoint McMillan, M. E. , Paul L. Heller, and Scott L. Wing, History and causes of post-Laramide relief in the Rocky Mountain orogenic plateau, GSA Bulletin; March/April 2006; v. 118; no. 3/4; p. 393–405; doi: 10.1130/B25712.1 (PDF)

Humphreys, E., and others, 2003, How Laramide-age hydration of North American Lithosphere by the Farallon Slab controlled subsequent activity in the western United States, International Geoloyg Review 45, 575-595. (PDF)

77-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Saleeby, J., 2003, Segmentaton of the Laramide Slab - evidence from the southern Sierra Nevada region, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 115, 655-668. (PDF)

Coleman, Drew S., Stephanie Briggs, Allen F. Glazner, and C.J. Northrup, Timing of plutonism and deformation in the White Mountains of eastern California, GSABulletin;January2003;v.115;no.1;p.48–57 (PDF)

Mesozoic: Sevier Orogeny and Luning Fencemaker Thrust

78-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Armstrong, R.L., 1968. The Sevier orogenic belt in Nevada and Utah. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 79: 429-458. (PDF)

79-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint Armstrong, R.L., 1972. Low-angle (denudation) faults, hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt, eastern Nevada and western Utah. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 83: 1729-1754. (PDF)

80-Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Wyld, Sandra J., Structural evolution of a Mesozoic backarc fold-and-thrust belt in the U.S. Cordillera: New evidence from northern Nevada, GSA Bulletin;November2002;v.114;no.11;p.1452–1468 (PDF)

81-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint Hose, R. K. and Danes, Z.F., 1973. Development of late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic structures in the eastern Great Basin. In: K.A. De Jong and R. Scholten (Editors), Gravity and tectonics. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 429-442. (PDF)

82-Solomon Feinstein  Powerpoint Oldow, J.S., 1984, Evolution of a late Mesozoic back-arc fold and thrust fault, western Great Basin, U.S.A.: Tectonophysics, v. 102, p. 245-274. (PDF)

Wernicke, B. and Spencer, J., 1999, Retrospective on "Low-angle (denudation) faults, hinterland of Sevier orogenic belt, eastern Nevada and western Utah" by Richard Lee Armstrong (PDF)

83-Henry Zhou  Powerpoint Hodges, K.V., 1992. Extension in the Cretaceous Sevier orogen, North American Cordillera. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 104: 560-569. (PDF)

84-Yair Franco  Powerpoint DeCelles, Peter G.  and James C. Coogan, Regional structure and kinematic history of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt, central Utah, GSA Bulletin; July/August 2006; v. 118; no. 7/8; p. 841–864; doi: 10.1130/B25759.1 (PDF)

DeCelles, P.G., 2004, Late Jurassic to Eocene evolution of the Cordilleran Thrust Belt and Foreland Basin System, western U.S.A., American Journal of Science, 304, 105-168. (PDF)

Paleozoic: The Antler and Sonoma Orogenys (Roberts Mtn and Golconda Allochthons)

Sonoma Orogeny and Golconda Allocthon (latest Permian)

Gabrielse, H., Snyder, W.S., and Stewart, J.H., 1983, Sonoma orogeny and Permian to Triassic tectonism in western North America: Geology, v. 11, p. 484-486 (PDF)

85-Christie Rowe  Powerpoint Silberling, N. J. and Roberts R. J., 1962, Pre-Tertiary stratigraphy and structure of nortrhwestern Nevada: Geological Society of America Special Paper 72, 58 pp. (PDF)

86-Alyssa Lindsey  Powerpoint Miller, E.L., Holdsworth, B.K., Whiteford, W.B. and Rodgers, D., 1984. Stratigraphy and structure of the Schoonover sequence, northeastern Nevada; Implications for Paleozoic plate-margin tectonics. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 95: 1063-1076. (PDF)
powerpoint 90

87-Hannah Martin  Powerpoint Bruekner and Snyder, 1985, Structure of the Havalla sequence, golconda allochthon, Nevada: Evidence for prolonged evolution in an accretionary prism, GSAB, v. 96, 1113-1130 (PDF)

88-Ian Adams  Powerpoint Wyld, S. J., , 1991, Permo-Triassic tectonism in volcanic arc sequences of the western U.S. Cordillera and implications for the Sonoma orogeny, Tectonics, v. 10, 1007-1017 (PDF)

89-Maggie Duncan  Powerpoint Trexler, James H., Patricia H. Cashman, Walter S. Snyder, and Vladimir I. Davydov, 2004, Late Paleozoic tectonism in Nevada: Timing ,kinematics, and tectonic significance, GSABulletin;May/June2004;v.116;no.5/6;p.525–538;doi:10.1130/B25295.1. (PDF)

90-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint Caravaca et al. 2018, Controlling factors for differential subsidence in the Sonoma Foreland Basin (Early Triassic, western USA), Geol. Mag, 155 (6) 1305-1329 (PDF)
This paper hould be removed from list 

Fagan John J., Carboniferous Cherts, Turbidites, and Volcanic Rocks in Northern Independence Range, Nevada; Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, p. 595-612, 10 figs., 3 pis., May 1962 PDF

Chen, N. M. and Clemens-Knott, D. Detrital zircon uranium-lead geochronology of the Schoonover Sequence (Golconda Allochthon, Nevada): Alternative paleogeography of the Havallah-Schoonover Basin with implications for Antler-SLaB-Sonoma orogenesis, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 575, 1 August 2021, 110471 PDF

University of Nevada Reno Structural Control, Alteration and Primary Mineralization at the Big Springs Gold Mine, Elko County, Nevada A thesis submitted in partial fufillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science by Alan G. Youngerman 1L. T. Larson, Thesis Advisor June, 1992

Also Coats (1987; NBMG B101, Elko Co.), and paper by Adams et al. (1990s GSN Symp volume)

Paleogeographic Maps of Blake put together by Luke  Blakey Maps All       Blakey Southwest     Decelles_Blakey

Paleogeographic Maps Boflake put together by Neal  the maps



Here is ppt from class explaining assignments and due dates   (ppt)

Here is the Timetable   PDF
Should be able to import into Illustrator or similar program to annotate and then save as a pdf to submit.... or color by hand if easier but nonetheless submit page size pdf when done.

Here is high-res Geologic Map of Nevada   PDF
Use this large hi-res version to find and highlight the thrust faults - but shrink to page size pdf when turning in assignment.


Antler Orogeny and Roberts Mtn Allocthon(Mississippian)

91-Maia Zhang  Powerpoint Smith, M.t., Dickinson, W. R., Gerhrels G.E., Contractional nature of Devonian-Mississippian Antler tectonism along the North American continental margin, 1993, Geology, v.21; p.21-24 –1311. (PDF)

Evans, J. G. and T. G. Theodore,  1978, Deformation of the Roberts Mountains Allocthon in north-central Nevada, (Shorter contributions to general geology), USGS Professional Paaer 1060, 18pp (PDF)

92-Solomon Feinstein  > Powerpoint Roberts, R.J., Hotz, P.E., Gilluly, J., and Ferguson, H.G., 1958, Paleozoic rocks of north-central Nevada: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 81, p. 2045-2060. (this really defined the Roberts Mountains thrust and Antler orogeny) (PDF) (PDF)

93- Ryan Parkyn  Powerpoint Speed, R.C. and Sleep, N.H., 1982. Antler Orogeny and foreland basin; a model. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 93: 815-828. (PDF)

94-Ruben Underwood  Powerpoint Oldow, J.S., 1984, Spatial variability in the structure of the Roberts Mountains allochthon, western Nevada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 174-185. (PDF)

 Trexler , James H., Jr., Patricia H. Cashman, James C. Cole, Walter S. Snyder, Richard M. Tosdal, and Vladimir I. Davydov, 2003, Widespread effects of middle Mississippian deformation in the Great Basin of western North America, GSABulletin;October2003;v.115;no.10;p.1278–1288 (PDF) (PDF of Data Repository item)

95-Travis Fisher  Powerpoint Cashman, P.H. and D. M. Sturmer, 2001, Paleogeographic reconstruction of Mississippian to Middle Pennsylvanian basins in Nevada, southwestern Laurentia; Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology,v.584;110666 (PDF)

Stevens, Calvin H. and Paul Stone, Correlation of Permian and Triassic deformations in the western Great Basin and eastern Sierra Nevada: Evidence from the northern Inyo Mountains near Tinemaha Reservoir, east-central California, GSABulletin; October2002; v.114; no.10; p.1210–1221 (PDF)

Wise , James M., Correlation of Permian and Triassic deformations in the western Great Basin and eastern Sierra Nevada: Evidence from the northern Inyo Mountains near Tinemaha Reservoir, east-central California: Discussion, GSA Bulletin, October 2003; v.115; no.10; p.1307–1311. (PDF)

PreCambrian Continental Margin and Evolution

96-Henry Zhou  Powerpoint Stewart, J.H., 1972. Initial deposits in the cordilleran geosyncline; Evidence of a late Precambrian (<850 m.y.) continental separation. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 83: 1345-1360. (PDF)

97-Yair Franco  Powerpoint Stewart, J.H. and Poole, F.G., 1974. Lower Paleozoic and uppermost Precambrian Cordilleran miogeocline, GreatBasin, western United States. In: W.r. Dickinson (Editor), Tectonics and sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, pp. 28-57. (PDF)

98-Alysa Lindsey  Powerpoint Grauch, V.J.S., Rodriquez, B.D. and J. L. Wooden, 2003, Geophysical and Isotopic Constraints on Crustal Structure Related to Mineral Trends in North-Central Nevada and Implications for Tectonic History, Economic Geology, 98, 269-286  (PDF)

99-Hannah Martin  Gehrels, G. E., Dickinson, W. R. and others 1995, Detrital zircon reference for Cambrian to Triassic miogeoclinal strata of western North America, Geology, 23, 831-834  (PDF)

99-Ian Adams  Gehrels, G. and Pecha, M., 2014, Detrital zircon U-Bb geochronology and Hf isotope gechemistry of Paleozoic and Triassic passive margin strata of western North America, Geosphere, 10, 49-65   (PDF)

100-Maggie Duncan  Kistler, R. W., G. and Peterman, Z, E., 1978, Reconstruction of crustal blocks of California on the basis of initial strontium isotopic compositions of Mesozoic granitic rocks , USGS Professional Paper 1071, 17pp   (PDF)

 Havranek, R. and Mize, J., ????, Palinspastic restoration of the thrust belt places classically defined North American rocks west of the edge of North America as defined by 0.706 87Sr/86Sr line, unpublished report, 17pp   (PDF)

Summary Papers

  Dickenson, W.R., 2002, The basin and range province as a composite extensional domain, International Geology Review 44 (1), 1-38. (PDF)

  Dickinson, W.R., 2001, Tectonic setting of the Great Basin through geologic time: implications for metallogeny, in Shaddrick, D.R., Zbinden, E., Mathewson, D.C., and Prenn, C., eds., Regional tectonics and structural control of ore: the major gold trends of northern Nevada, Geological Society of Nevada, 2001 Spring Field Conference Proceedings and Field Trip Guide, Special Publication No. 33, p. 27-53. (PDF)